
Monday 2 June 2014

Economic inbalance

For this project I have taken 8 photos, which depict economic imbalance and class difference in London. For each of these i will point out the main aspects and what an audience looking at the pictures will think.

In this image we have five males with their faces covered in a different intimidating ways, four of the five are wielding weapons and one of which is riding a BMX bike. The location of this shot has a run down foreground with broken bottles and debris scattered everywhere, in the middle distance we can see over grown weeds and plants, which look like they haven’t been tented too, and also railways on either side. The background has skyscrapers on each side, one of which is glistening in the sunlight and the other which is being built.

Almost every aspect in this image show economic imbalance. Starting with the subjects these five people look very intimidating and borderline demonic as the way their faces are covered gives an identity to each of them, for example a gargoyle mask relates to demons and lifeless statues. The two in the bandanas look as if they are very rough and are involved in activities which require there faces to be covered in such a way. The main items which exaggerate the roughness of these subjects is the fact that four out of five of them are wielding very dangerous weapons e.g. machetes, tomahawk axe's etc. This group could be described as a twisted, urban, street gang.

In the middle distance we can see train tracks on either side, because trains and train track are very industrialized and have been associated with building cities the two train tracks connotes construction and fast change. The background, which has two skyscrapers, further expands this; generally skyscrapers are connected with wealth and business of the first world, which defiantly contrasts with the subjects in the fore ground. One of the skyscrapers is shining in the sun, this makes it look like it is better that the subjects which are surrounded by rubbish. I would say say this photo shows economic imbalance extremely well.

1/400 shutter speed
ISO: 200
focal length:35 mm

This image shows economic imbalance but not as strong as the previous photo. The photo contains a very peaceful canal with people running by the side on a nice summers day. Their main subject of the image is a bridge with goes over the canal and holds a very strong footing in the image. 

This image is pretty much perfect apart from the one aspect which turns the tables altogether which is the white graffiti on the bridge. Although it is very small it is very easy to notice as it is tattooed on the most dominate feature of the image, which is the strong bridge. This graffiti defiantly depicts economic imbalance even though everything else in the image is like something out of the south of France. The only other feature, which shows economic imbalance, is the council estate in the background, although it show economic imbalance its out shined by the graffiti. I believe this photo gets the audience thinking the more you look at it, and I believe the audience may have different but similar thoughts on this photo.

Camera: Canon EOS 60D
focal length: 55
f number: 13
exposure time: 1/80

In this image you can see a man in a hoodie standing on a council estate roof top smoking a cigarette. In the distance you can see more homes and even further than that you can see the London skyline, which is lighting up the whole sky.

The hoodie connotes rebellion and a street sub culture when the audience sees this; the fact that he is smoking amplifies the rebellious nature. The background starts off with small buildings, which gradually turn into great towering skyscrapers. Just like the first image skyscrapers are connected with power, wealth and the first world. The nature of the background and the foreground together shows the clear contrast between rich and poor. The other feature, which strengthens the poor theme, is the grid fence, which acts as a barrier between the rich and the poor.

camera: Canon EOS 5D mark III
exposure time: 1/2
ISO: 3200
focal length: 50mm

In this image it is an over the shoulder shot from the point of view of a person who is looking up at many massive skyscrapers which look very strong and sturdy in the distance.

Just like the previous few pictures the skyscrapers defiantly show the economic imbalance in the picture, this picture shows this even more because these buildings in particular make up the financial district of London. Because of the high angle shot which is also an over the shoulder gives off the feeling that this individual is looking up at the buildings as if they are more dominant and that he is inferior compared to them. Just like the previous photo this one also has a fence, which acts as a barrier stopping the individual from indulge in the riches of the financial district.

For me this image shows two worlds and the fence between acts as a barrier, which keep the two worlds from colliding together, and becoming equal.

Camera: nikon D90
exposure time: 1/8 secs
ISO 3200
focal length: 50mm
max aperture: 4.6

Here is this photo you can see a very poor man reading a book on a very busy London road, which has a pavement, which is very empty, the lights of a business behind him light him up. 

This image shows more than just economic imbalance, it tells a the story of a man who is down on his luck and his educating himself to get away from the struggle of being poor. The light behind him makes him look as if he is making progress and the knowledge from the book is enlightened his. The busy road connotes others who are in a better position who are just going past the man as if he is nothing and the empty pavement makes the audience thing this man is alone in his journey to gain wealth and knowledge.

Camera: Canon EOS kiss x4
focal length: 28
F number: 3.5
Exposure time: 1/20

In this image the audience can see a Lamborghini in a run down council estate, the council estate has very dead colors of grey, beige and black, which are pretty bland, compared to the bright yellow of the Lamborghini which looks as if it is showing off.

The contrast in economic imbalance is clearly seen in the location, which is in a poorer side a London, an area where an expensive sports car doesn't belong. The shiny glistening car makes the surroundings look unimportant.

focal length: 3.53

            In this photo the main themes are rebellion, the audience would think that the poorer people are more likely to rebel and protest against the rich, the police line make the audience think that the police are protecting the rich. This image show more that a contrast between economic imbalance, in fact it depicts conflict between the two themes which is a lot stronger than just a contrast.

focal length: 35mm


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