
Friday, 14 December 2012

TV commercial analysis

In this blog post i will be talking about adverts because we will soon be making our own adverts, here is some research i done on a few adverts which i found very interesting. These are all from my choice and i selected them because of their unique methods and techniques to get out to the audience.


The first advertisement i have chosen is the very well known snickers advert which has a massive audience  first of all i will be showing the product, which is a candy bar with nuts and caramel. This bar is one of the most iconic world wide of all and it is associated with a lot of stuff.

Here is a typical Snickers bar.

In the actual advert the technique of using a celebrity to popularize the item is used, this is called celebrity endorsement  In this case it is the celebrity Mr. T, a very hard figure which represents an alpha male and strength. The reason why celebritys are used is because the target audiance are familiar with the figure and some might even take the individual as a role model, this makes the audience want to be like their idol and will invest in the product to do so.
Here is an image showing both the celebrity and the produce. Also notice how the slogan get some nuts is also on Mr. T's gold chain. This is very interesting because the gold chains he wears is a massive part of his iconography, this shows that he is very at one with the bar.

Below is the video:

This advert is very interesting as well as quite humorous. The structure of this advert is a anti realistic narrative with quite a funny story. The conventions are used in ways in which the product is shown exactly the way the producers wanted. Camera wise the shots were very interestingly layed out for example low angle shots of Mr.T to show he is superior compared to the footballer who has a high angle shot of him as well as having the tanks cannon right in his face makes him look very vulnerable  The music used is very iconic because it is from the A team which Mr.t is part of this shows the advert is using the celebrity to the best they can in order to put the iconic imagery out there.

The target audience in this is mainly men and boys who like all males like to show their masculinity and take pride in their strength. This is unique because there are not many other candy adverts which do this effectively mainly because they like to go out to both sex's, but because Snickers is such a big brand they can afford to do this, the only other candy bar which i can think of that does this is the Yorkie chocolate bar advert.


The next advert i will be analyzing will be the petit filous advert. Petit flous is a yogurt for young children which has health benefits for children and offers a nice taste.

The advert here is very different from the Snickers advert. It does not have a celebrity endorsement and defiantly isn't aimed at masculine males. Instead the technique which it uses is an emotional technique where it makes you feel a certain emotion into buying the product after all the target audience is kids and parents, this is called emotional manipulation. A lot of these adverts are directed towards parents which think that the product will benefit their children. Petit flous does exactly this.

Below is the advert.

As you can see in this advert is very innocent and gentle a lot as if a child is talking directly towards you in a calm and gentle matter, this also means it is quite realistic and more specifically sensible, it doesn't have any over exaggerated assets such as tanks, flying dolphins  tap dancing horse etc.  

another massive aspect of this is music, most people will sub consciously listen to the music without paying any attention but it still has a massive effect on the person about how they take in the info. For example the nursery style music here makes the audience feel like they are in the environment shown on screen perhaps even going as far as to making them remember how it is to be a child, this allows them to feel a connection with the advert and pay more attention. also the surroundings which is bright and sunny like the french countryside also makes the audience feel as if they are there in the same place with the kids.

The brand identity here is shown plain and simple as it shows the benefits to the children and health factors this alone is a very good way to advertise because this is ideally what a parent would want for their child. what also helps their advertising is the slogan which is 'helps bones grow stronger' this basically sum up the whole product in one sentence, this is unique because most other advertisements have a motto style frases like nikes 'just do it' or snickers 'gets some nuts'.


This is one of my favorite, defiantly one of the most popular too and people even actually call it the lynx effect. this is because lynx uses the same techniques where they take advantage of sexual aspects and incorporate them in all of there adds. In particular we will be looking at this add which is one that shows most of their techniques.

The shots here are very dramatic, always changing shot just like in an action film from close up's to Ariel shots  from a helicopter. this is done to keep suspense at peak level and to make it very interesting to watch for the target audience which are men. Another point is that there is no better way to get the attention of a man than to get a half naked attractive woman in slow mo, this is nature. The only other way to have a bigger impact is to get an army of half naked attractive girls girls running, and that's exactly whats been done here in a massive proportion and makes the target audience believe what they are seeing believing that they can have the lynx effect too.

close up shot on the woman gets mens attention straight away.

sheer number of women

one lucky guy that others guys wanna be

areil shot

 using the sexualisation technique works so well and this advert uses it to its fullest potential and defiantly helped the product to sell and get recognized. Another aspect that i covered in the other adverts is the music here you can hear tense vocals which work so well with the music and amplifies the feeling of suspense which is done by the camera and the music gets tense as the woman get closer to the male and then climax's.

There is not a real slogan here apart from the lynx effect, i believe they don't need one because the visuals are so powerful and remember able that a slogan would just kill the feeling or confuse.


For anyone who isn't familiar with talk to frank, its a call in center which helps people dealing with drug related problems, obviously this is a very important matter and this advert isn't selling anything unlike the other adverts in fact it is offering help and is a government organisation.

First of all notice that it is an add different from the rest, whilst the other concentrate of you buying their product this add is here to inform people about the risks of cocaine using what is called shock tactic. Shock tactics are used mainly in adverts like this to inform the public about the risks of such things like drugs, alcohol, drink driving etc. 

In this advert the target audience is teenagers, young adults and people who are thinking of trying out cocaine  this target audience like humor but to be humorous and serious is very hard but this advert executes this very well and effectively separated the humor and the suffering in the video to show the contrasts. The also have a mascot  this is a bit like celebrity endorsement but it is a figure which the advert created, these are also very successful and some companies who use this are go compare with the 'fat man' and compare the markets Merkats.

More to the point, the advert is also very graphical, depicting images of suffering hurt and the side effects of cocaine, these images are there to show the bad sides of cocaine and the harm it could do to scare the audience into staying away from drug. This is very helpful for the advert because it works as a sudden shock of reality and makes the audience reconsider, and having the call number at the end also helps straight away as the person is thinking about the situation.


  1. A good range of adverts Tufael with some thoughtful analysis, but you don't talk about the persuasive techniques being used enough and what they are. Also try to draw on specific examples and use still images to highlight this.

    Lastly, you need to write a paragraph about the effect of regulation on advertising with some examples. So who regulates and why.



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