
Monday, 24 March 2014

3 examples of documentary photography

This photograph by Teddy Seguin and Lionel Roux was shot for an article in the National Geographic magazine. covering a story about a very old roman barge discovered in a river in France. Although the barge sunk in the first century, it is amazingly intact as it had been covered in mud for two millenniums.
Along with the barge they found cargo, which the barge was carrying including many coins, pottery, art work, oil lamps etc. National Geographic are renowned for the great photography they feature from around the world. This image in particular is very effective as the feeling of discovery is packed into it. The image captures the actual object in the sea bed, which it had been resting in for two millennium, with a person floating right above, to me this is the most accurate image of what the archaeologists are seeing first hand.

Here is another documentary photo by Vice media which covers the story of Jihadis in battle. Vice is a very popular news outlet that has a 'New Media' style of reporting. Vice's main target audience are young adults, but due to the wide range of stories they cover, they have attracted other audiences and sub cultures as well. Vice is very well known for venturing to hot spots around the world and documenting stories on war zones, riots, political turmoil and even reported within North Korea several times.

This photo taken by the Photographer Robert Nickelsberg, is verydeep and full of meaning. The photo taken in 1992 shows Afghan Uzbek fighters fight the Hizb-I-Islami in the city of Kabul. In the background you can see a war torn village with broken building and debris scattered everywhere. The two subjects in the picture are shooting live rounds at other people. Both men show a lot of emotion and a tale to tell in their faces, which the photographer captured perfectly. The reason why this is such a great documentary photo is the fact that it is in the peak of the conflict and it accuratly captures the violence that is happening abroad. When the audience see these photos they get a window to another world and are able to witness the situation abroad much more accurately than by just reading an article.

The photographer put himself in danger in order to get a great photo and that is why this is such a good documentary photo.

Here is another photograph on Vice taken by the photographer Hassan Hajjah. Compared to the previous photo, which was of a war situation, this is more of a wacky out of the usual type of documentary. Vice is very well known for documenting on a lot of different subjects including stories such as this one. Here the story on 'The female motor cycle gangs of Morocco', this is a unique story because of the culture and life style of the region where something like this is virtual unheard of. In this region of the world women are restricted from doing many activities, This story highlights the occasions where females have gone against the norms and traditions to express themselves
The photographer worked very closely with the 'Kesh angels' and gained acsess to take pictures of them, The USP of this was that no one else had these photo apart from Hassan and so everyone is interested in what he had to show.


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