
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

MR Keil microphone proximity recording task

part 1: introduction and whistle recording

for this sound effect we had to get a clear sound of a whistle being blown in a large room such as a hall, the first time we did this we had the perfect enviorment to record in, i stood in the middle of a large sports hall as the person blew the whistle from one side of the hall, the reason why i stood dead center in the middle of the hall is because i wanted a clear and perfect sound and also wanted to hear the sound rebounding on surfaces and getting recorded again (echo). this sound came out very well but there was an issue. whilst recording background noise of y jacket was captured onto of the sound, although it was a quite clear we could have done it better so we went to do it again.

we got to the hall to find out it was being used and would be impossible to get a good sound with school kids running everywhere. after this we desperatly searched for another place to record, after long searching we found it by accident whilst trying to get some where. this was the stair case which echoed the sound of our footsteps. we blew the whistle once and it sounded great! so we decided to do it here. like the hall we chose to do it right in the middle of the staircase for a more vibrant and rebounded sound.

here are a few of the pictures we took whilst recording:

 Here it shows where the whistle was blown and which directions the sound traveled.

the blue ring shows the source of the sound, as you can see the whislte was blown from halfway up the stairs and there were hardly any objects to absorb the sound for example furniture of fabrics. you can also see there is a lot of free space around the source of the sound, this alows the sound to travel far until it bounces off a surface. overall i would say the ceiling would be about 15 meters high which would let the sound travel quite a far distance.

the yellow arrows show the direction the sound traveled, as you can see the sound is going in every direction and is not muffled by anything.

this is a veiw of the area from where the whistle was blown, as you can see there was a lot of space for the sound to travel below, above there was also a large empty area, this worked out very well for us.

This picture is from the other side of the staircase, i edited it on photoshop to show the movement and traveling of the original sound with the red arrow, it is also the biggest arrow to show it was the loudest sound wave. the black lines show one of the areas the sound bounced off, as you can see from this the blue arrows show the secodry sound which bounced off the wall, you can see that some of these sounds go back in the direction where the sound originated. the white arrow shows where the secondary sounds could have bounced off from.

the picture above is a sreen captured i took off the sound from logic pro, i edited this in photoshop aswell, the sound can be seen in the yellow region, after this you can see the green region where it picked up the sounds which where echoed and also how the sound decayed out into silence. 

Here is my end sound:


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